Thursday, January 29, 2009

The fault of Facebook!

Okay, it's been awhile, and I'd like to blame it on Facebook! It has somewhat taken over my small amount of time to blog, and it's so easy. However, some of you have informed that it's not an excuse, so here I am. Not to mention I found away to link my blog to facebook!! :)

Clayton is almost 4 months old and just getting big! He is starting to sleep better, but still very unpredicatable. We've made it though his first cold, but since I now have a cold I am assuming we'll end up with a second one. He's full of giggles and coos, and enjoys playing with his little toys. It's been fun watching him develop his little personality! We're getting ready to give him his first taste of rice cereal next week! So that is all I have time for now, but I promise I will try to get better!