Thursday, November 30, 2006

Moving On

I met the soon to be new owners of our house today! I'm not so sad to leave it behind anymore. They were great. A couple about our age having their first baby! They were really excited about moving in and getting settled. So, it made me feel not so bad to leave my lil house that I put so much work into!!! We've already moved our first load over to the Hastings, where we are storing all of our stuff. I'm excited that we are moving on. On that note, our tentative move in date for the house is Feb. 7th. It's looking good.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It's Sold

It's official we have a signed offer on the house! This means the house is sold and we will be moving in about 3 weeks. The people buying the house wanted a quick escrow, so they requested that we be out of the house by December 15th! I am assuming they want a home for Christmas...this means we'll be homeless for Christmas. Well, not really, we will be moving in with our friends, Austin and Shelly, and staying there until our house is done. It's so nice knowing that we don't have to worry about two house payments anymore! What a great way to start off the holidays!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

We Made It

Well we made it to Santa Fe! The train wasn't so bad. Sleeping wasn't so fun, but I did sleep. We traveled with friends so that made it nice. In the morning we were able to eat breakfast in the dinning car, and play cards. We were in Santa Fe by 1:00! Granted it's not as easy as flying, but sure beats driving! Well Peggy and I are off to do some shopping today, and Clay is going to go golfing with his dad. After a good nights sleep ( I was in bed by 7) and some Pumpkin Spice coffee....We're ready to go!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Santa Fe Thanksgiving

Tonight we leave for Santa Fe! We'll be driving to the train station in Barstow and then traveling by train for about 14 hours. I hear it's a great way to travel, and it was when we went to Santa Rosa, but I have to admit I'm lightly nervous. We all know I need my sleep! Anyways, we'll be in Santa Fe for a week and celebrating Thanksgiving with my in-laws. It should be a lot of fun. Will keep you posted on the trip! (I know I haven't posted too much, but I figured I didn't need to post new house info seems to be consuming my NEWS) Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!