As I had previously posted sleepless nights and contractions on and off for three days had made me a little batty! The contractions were getting me ready, but they weren't too effective. By Friday morning I had enough. I called the Dr. and asked him to give me something. Really, I was asking if there something that would help me sleep. He was on call at the hospital and extremely busy in his office so he sent me to the hospital to see if I had progressed any since Wednesday. He told me he would talk to me about it after I was checked.
11:45: I went to St. Agnes, and was checked in for an OB check. I was put on the monitors, so I could see that I was having contractions. They weren't really big, or even doing much for that matter, but they were there. When I was checked there had been no progress since Wednesday. I was about 50% effaced and hardly dilated at all! So, the Dr. was on the phone and gave me the option of Ambien or induction. Knowing everything I know about induction it was a hard decision to make. I was "done." I was miserable, annoyed, and anxious. Patience has never been one of my better features. After talking to Clay and my doula, Natalie, I decided to be induced. Why? I knew that if I didn't go into labor on my own by Wednesday we were going to be talking about inducting anyways. Because I had gestational diabetes the size and health of the baby was a concern. So, I had convinced myself that 5 days wasn't going to matter much, and I didn't think I could go on with another 5 sleepless nights, another NST (non stress test) and AFI (an ultrasound where they are checking fluid levels). It was all getting so consuming!
4:30is: Clay brought me all of my "things" and we were ready! Pitosin was started, I was hooked up to the monitors and I had an IV. So, it was all a little more then I had wanted initially, but ultimately I wanted a healthy baby, and I wanted him out! Contractions began but they weren't too bad. I was going to try to this with out any pain medication. Not because I wanted to be super mom, but I didn't want to feel sick from the epidural (as some people do). I was also dead set on no IV meds because they all go to the baby, and I didn't want a "sleepy" baby. So, the beginning stages of labor began.
1:15am: I was in a good place! We had flameless candles out, relaxing music, lights dimmed, and I was in a trance. I was half asleep (most relaxed I had been in days!) and I just rocked from side to side with each contraction. I sent Clay to get some "treats" for the nurses, and I told Natalie I would call her when contractions were bad enough that I needed help. So, I was alone and just really preparing for what was to come. Then there was a pop, and my water broke. This was good that this happened on it's own. I called the nurse in, and Natalie and Clay arrived a few minutes later. Contraction picked up! I used the ball, leaned on Clay, took a hot shower, and had Natalie encouraging me through each contraction.
4:45-5:00am: I was only dilated to a 2! I still had 8 cm to go, and contractions were back to back. I requested the epidural. I knew I needed my body to relax. Epidural was administered and I was a happy girl! We had about an hour of joking with the Dr. and just hanging out. However, it was nap time! I was so relaxed that I was ready to get some sleep! Clay went to take a shower and eat some breakfast. Natalie was hanging out, but I knew I was going to sleep, so I told her to go home, relax and take a nap. Mind you, everyone I have seen get an epidural has been able to sleep, and just ride the ride for the most part.
7:30 am: I called the nurse in. I had sharp pains through my left side! They were getting worse by the minute. The epidural was "falling out." The good news I was dilated to a 4.5! So, epidural #2 was put in. Clay and Natalie were on their way back! No nap for me! The second epidural took relief away from m right side, but I began to feel it on my left. About 45 minutes into it, I felt every contraction, but couldn't move my legs. Contractions continued we tried epidural #3 and nothing. So, it was 12:30 pm on Saturday. I was exhausted, pitosin was flowing, but baby was fine. I was watching the nurse, Natalie, and everyone else in the room. Everyone seemed puzzled and concerned. Turns out there was a suspicion that the baby was face up. This usually makes for a very hard delivery. When I would contract, he really didn't move much, but he looked fine.
12:45pm: The doctor called, and asked how things were going. I was supposed to be dilating a cm and hour. However, with out relaxing I was only at a 5. At this point I was doing everything I could to just get through the contractions. I didn't know how to get myself to relax when I was shaking, throwing up, and bed ridden! I was told that I had two more hours to start dilating. The thought of two more hours was unbearable. It was then that I asked the anestegiologist how long it would take to get the spinal, and asked for my Dr. to come. Now, I need to mention, a c-section had been mentioned for medical reasons such as...I wasn't dilating quick enough, the baby was face up and could potentially not push through, and there was the issue of me being exhausted. I feel like the c-section was the right thing to do. I wanted Clayton to be healthy! That was my primary goal.
2:00pm ish: I was in the OR. Spinal was done. I couldn't feel a thing! Well my body was shaking, so I was trying to breath through to relax. Clay was asked to stand up, and he watched them pull Clayton III out. They held him up for me to see, and Clay followed as they took them to be cleaned up.
2:33pm was the exact time Clay and I became parents. Clay brought him over to me so I could see him. I cried. I had such mixed emotions. I was happy! Yet, I was sad that I couldn't hold him.
3:30ish: I was in recovery, and Clayton was in my arms.

The best part of the c-section: I won't ever go through labor again!
The worst part: Waiting an hour to hold my baby!