Friday, October 03, 2008


It's another sleepless night in the Blanton house. Really, it's the third night in a row that sleep has been scattered! Three nights ago I learned what getting up to go the bathroom every two hours was all about. Then at about 11:00 am on Wednesday I started having cantractions. They seemed to be somewhat regular until around 1:30 and then they started to scatter, and by the time I went to bed, they were gone. I had a Dr. apt at 2:40 and found out they weren't too productive. I am 50% effaced and barely dialated. He did inform me that IF he still hasn't come by next Wednesday that we were going to have to talk about induction. Only because of the gestational diabetes. I'm not real big on induction, but at this point..something has gotta give! Especially since there has been a cycle of sporatic contractions through the day, and sleepless nights. I'm sure it's "God's way of getting me ready" but some sleep would be nice before I HAVE to be up with a baby. Just thought I'd share!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Try to hang in there...I know this can be so frustrating. I had contractions off and on for 3 full weeks before Logan was born. Hopefully this little guy will get here before they have to induce you. Sending you lots of love and sleep. Andrea xoxo