Wednesday, February 27, 2008

ivillage @ 7 weeks

Your baby-to-be is the size of a small bean, measuring in at approximately 9 to 11 millimeters, crown to rump. Dark spots, mark the early formation of the eyes. Pits indicate the formation of nostrils and ears. Your baby's brain is developing rapidly, and limbs and facial characteristics are now forming. Your baby's heart now has a right and left chamber. An ultrasound may be able to detect heart motion. The esophagus and trachea are changing and differentiating into separate tubes, with lungs positioned on either side.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Since then...

I found out, and then waited until Clay came home. That was the longest 3 hours of my life. I couldn't talk to anyone. I tested again, just to make sure the first one wasn't wrong. (That would have been just my luck!) So he came home, read his card, and discovered he was going to be "Daddy." He was very excited. We were both excited.

I spent the weekend hosting a Doula workshop. It was strange being one of the "pregnant" women in the room. The workshop was amazing! The things I learned make me anxious to start being a doula! However, since I was busy with the workshop all weekend it helped take my mind off wanting to call eveyone and anyone.

I am feeling fine! Tomorrow will be 6 weeks. I'm guessing I will be due around mid- October. I don't go the Dr.s until March 11th, and the first ultra sound will be on March 19th. I'm starting to feel quezzy here and there, and I am extreamly tired. I am taking it easy. I've cancelled my second stroller stride class, so I will only be teaching one class a day now.

There is a part of it that seems very unreal, but I'm getting used to it!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

The News

I was stepping into the shower as I put the PT down where I would be able to see it. Why was this time any different? Not really sure. I have had some symptoms, but after 2 years if anything seemed strange then I had a "symptom." So, until today I ignored it. I saw the double pink lines! I wasn't sure how to feel. My stomach dropped, and I jumped around the house looking for the phone. I had to call Clay. Somehow I needed to convince him to come home early. NO answer.

In the shower I contined to think about the last two years. Who do you tell? How do you tell them? Really, it's only been an hour and if doesn't seem real at all! It is still really early. I'm not even late yet, so this could all really mean nothing in a few days. So, with the excitment comes the fear. Will this baby grow inside of me, or will it leave me before it gets a chance?

Even though I have complete and total mixed emotions right now, I must say this..I can not wait to share the news with Clay. Will it be real then? We're ready to be parents, but month after month it's just something we talk about. Today, we begin discussing everything. It's real. I can finally say, "I'm Pregnant!"