Thursday, September 25, 2008

False Alarm: Potential TMI

Being a first time mom brings up a lot of questions about labor. It's funny because I've been apart of deliveries as a doula, been to my doula classes, read a ton of books, but still not quite sure what to look for or expect. As Clay said last night, I know just enough to be dangerous. So, this leads me to our night last night.

I took a bath yesturday afternoon to just relax and unwind. At around 4:00pm I was out of the bath and putsing around the house again. ARound 6:00pm I walked out to get the mail. I stood outside for about 15 minutes talking to the neighbors. Have I mentioned I love where we live! We have great a great neigborhood! Anyways, so I was standing there and I felt a "wet" sensation, followed by a cramping in my upper right abdomen. When I went inside I checked to see what was going on. My thought, it could have just been bath water..?! However, I walked around the house, felt a little cramping, and had one contraction. At least the way others have explained them. You could see my entire stomach get hard, but the baby wasn't moving around. So, that led me to finish packing my bags, (which have been packed for the most part for a week or so) installing the car seat in Clays car, and left for a labor check. With all that said, I wasn't having regular contractions, and I wasn't 100% sure my water broke. My doula, Natalie, recommended that I go to the hospital to make sure. If my water broke and I wasn't having contractions that could present a problem. So, off we went.

A little before 8:00pm I was put in the triage room, hooked up to the moniors, and waited. It wasn't until almost 9:00pm that they swabbed me to see if it was my water. When the first test came back negative they ordered another test. An hour later, the other test arrived. This test just took longer, but was extreamly painful!! The nurses comment was, "well we have bloody show." NO KIDDING! With pain like that I wouldn't expect much less. Soon after she checked me and I was "a fingertip dialated." However, no sign that my water broke.

At this point Clay and I were just ready to go home! All I wanted was someone to tell me yes or no. I didn't expect to be there for hours. My contraction monitor was showing no sign of contractions, and the babys heart rate was all over the place. He was fine, but they want the baby active on the monitor most of the time. So, they had me lay there until they had better readings. UGH! Finally, around 11:30 I unpluged the monitors and headed to the restroom. My monitors were falling off, and I was ready to just go home. Clay went to tell them my monitors fell off, and the nurse, who was drinking her coffee and chatting away, looked at him and began appologizing for the wait. At this point, I think they just forgot about us! So, we were out of there at 11:45.

For now, no labor, but since the nurse poked and proded I have had continous bloody show. I have an appt. with my Dr. at 11:30 so I will give an update after that.


Fit Mommy said...

Baby Boy is coming soon! How exciting! These last days seem so long but it will all be worth it soon! And you will not be able to imagine that there was ever a day when you didnt hold that sweet baby in your arms!

girliesmama01 said...

No fair. I had to wait 10 days after my EDD with my fourth pregnancy you can't go almost 3 weeks early, LOL. Cant wait to meet your little boy.