Tuesday, September 16, 2008

NST Update

Since I have gestational diabetes I have to take a few extra precautions with the baby. Besides the boring diet, I will now be going in for Amnionic Fluid checks once a week and non stress testes twice a week. Yesturday was the first for both. The Amnionic fluid test is really an ultrasound. They look and make sure the baby is in the right position, there is enough fluid for him, and they check his heart rate. Apparently these are all concerns when you have GD. It was actually cool seeing an ultrasound at 36 weeks. He's big so it's not like you get a pic of whole body, but he was in the right position. His head is right on my cervix (nice and cozy for me!) and they are guessing he is about 7.5 pounds. This can be almost a pound off, so I'm trying not to think about the weight too much. (This could mean a 9.5 pound baby in a month!) After the ultrasound I went up to labor and delivery. They hook me up to the fetal heart monitor and I just sat and listened to his heart beat for half an hour. Everything looks good, just waiting for him to be ready!

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