Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"The Rules"

I've had a few people ask me about what is going to take place when I have the baby. Do I want visitors at the hospital? When will we call? How will they know? I do have some of the answers but in all honesty the only way we are going to know how we feel about all of this is to find out when we reach that point.

This is what I do know:
We plan to deliver at St. Agnes. The only way we would end up at Clovis Community is if my Dr. was on call at Clovis. Otherwise, I will be a St. Agnes. I plan to labor as long as I can at home and then go to the hospital. My guess is there will be very little phone calls made durring this time. This will be the last few hours of "alone" time for Clay and I, so I am going to take full advantage of it. During the labor no one besides Clay and my doula, Natalie, will be in the room with me. So, hanging out at the hospital would probably be boring! They have a "waiting room" downstairs in the main lobby. We'll be on the 6th floor, and there isn't a waiting room up there.

These are the visitors rules:
*Visitng hours are from 10am-8pm
*There is a naptime between 1-3pm. IF I have to share a room and the other mom requests this time then no visitors will be allowed during this time.
*All visitors have to be over the age of 12: They will not let children in.
*You check in on the 6th floor. They will give you a little badge.
*They will only allow 3 people at a time in the room, so PLEASE CALL US!

As for when will everyone find out. When you get that phone call. You may not hear from us, but we have a few people to call who will then start spreading the word.

So boring blog, but figured I'd answer the questions, and post "the rules."

Only 3 more weeks until this lil guy is supposed to be here!!

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