Usually I'm good with Goodbyes. Especially when it comes to friends moving, me moving, or whatever because I know with e-mails, blogs, and the good ole telephone, it's real easy to keep in touch and keep friendships going. For example, Jeanice and I talk almost everyday! We don't see each other much, but that doesn't stop us from sharing what is happening in our lives. When we do get to spend some face time together it's just extra special! So, with that said, last night I had to say my "see ya laters" to my good friend Chrissy Black. This wasn't so easy! She's from Kentucky and wanted to go back "Home." Her husband found a GREAT job in Virgina, so off they go! I'm very happy for them, but very sad that my "hang out buddy" won't be around anymore. I know we'll still talk and all that jazz, but I won't be able to cuddle with her newborn in church, or just go to her house to hang out, and she won't be here to help me pick out fabrics, and do all that girly stuff we've enjoyed doing together! However, with all that feeling sorry for myself, I ask that she remain in your prayers. Traveling across the country with a new baby won't be easy. When they arrive in Virgina they will stay in temporary housing until they find a house. So, pray that God provides them the perfect house quickly, not to mention a safe trip!
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