Thursday, December 28, 2006
Martinez Baby
Lillianna Nicole (I think that is how they are going to spell it) came into this world. She was born at around 7:00 pm and she weighed about 7lbs. It's exiting to be around for the birth of my neice. I love them all, but I had to win the others this one is my neice from the start! Pictures are soon to come.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Merry Christmas
My wish for this Christmas is that everyone take some time to reflect on the holiday. Gifts are fun, but is it really what the season is about? Our Church put together a service everyone can do in their home. I thought it was quite neat! So please take a moment to reflect on how God had touched your life this year! So as you're reminding your children to say "Thank you" for the horrible gift they may have received from "Aunt Birtha," or you're sitting around the table with family...just take a moment to reflect. Merry Christmas! (none of that "Happy Holidays" cr*p!)
The Well Community Family Christmas Service
The Well Community Family Christmas Service
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Bitter Sweet
Leaving my lil house on Katy Lane was an interesting experience. Sunday was spent moving everything. I'm so exited that we get to do it all over again in 2 months! (Not really) However, Monday I went back to all of the cleaning, and touch up the paint where we took screws out of the walls. Touching up the paint made me sad to leave. I felt as though I was leaving a peice of me behind. My style, my work, my efforts, and well it was my home. Cleaning everything gave me some sick twisted pleasure. It wasn't until I was mopping my way out of the kitchen that I felt really weird. You would think that I had never moved before!
Driving away I realized how lucky I was. I was driving to house full of people who were willing to rearange their lives and welcome us into their home. How blessed are we? Really, even being able to buy the home we are waiting for is amazing. Clay and I have so much to be thankful for, and we are both exited to get into our new house. I just had a slight touch of separation anxiouty. I'm sure it will pass as I begin to decorate the new house, and make a new home for Clay and I.
Driving away I realized how lucky I was. I was driving to house full of people who were willing to rearange their lives and welcome us into their home. How blessed are we? Really, even being able to buy the home we are waiting for is amazing. Clay and I have so much to be thankful for, and we are both exited to get into our new house. I just had a slight touch of separation anxiouty. I'm sure it will pass as I begin to decorate the new house, and make a new home for Clay and I.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Things I forgot about packing!
How is that when you are supposed to pack everything, that everything ends up all over the house!
You don't realize just how much STUFF you have until you've been packing it for days on end...not to mention you never have just the right size box.
Once you pack something you haven't used in 6 months you finally find a use for it.
So house is a mess, I can't find the things that I seem to need at this exact body aches all over, and I am exhausted!!!
Isn't moving fun?!
You don't realize just how much STUFF you have until you've been packing it for days on end...not to mention you never have just the right size box.
Once you pack something you haven't used in 6 months you finally find a use for it.
So house is a mess, I can't find the things that I seem to need at this exact body aches all over, and I am exhausted!!!
Isn't moving fun?!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Moving On
I met the soon to be new owners of our house today! I'm not so sad to leave it behind anymore. They were great. A couple about our age having their first baby! They were really excited about moving in and getting settled. So, it made me feel not so bad to leave my lil house that I put so much work into!!! We've already moved our first load over to the Hastings, where we are storing all of our stuff. I'm excited that we are moving on. On that note, our tentative move in date for the house is Feb. 7th. It's looking good.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
It's Sold
It's official we have a signed offer on the house! This means the house is sold and we will be moving in about 3 weeks. The people buying the house wanted a quick escrow, so they requested that we be out of the house by December 15th! I am assuming they want a home for Christmas...this means we'll be homeless for Christmas. Well, not really, we will be moving in with our friends, Austin and Shelly, and staying there until our house is done. It's so nice knowing that we don't have to worry about two house payments anymore! What a great way to start off the holidays!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
We Made It
Well we made it to Santa Fe! The train wasn't so bad. Sleeping wasn't so fun, but I did sleep. We traveled with friends so that made it nice. In the morning we were able to eat breakfast in the dinning car, and play cards. We were in Santa Fe by 1:00! Granted it's not as easy as flying, but sure beats driving! Well Peggy and I are off to do some shopping today, and Clay is going to go golfing with his dad. After a good nights sleep ( I was in bed by 7) and some Pumpkin Spice coffee....We're ready to go!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Santa Fe Thanksgiving
Tonight we leave for Santa Fe! We'll be driving to the train station in Barstow and then traveling by train for about 14 hours. I hear it's a great way to travel, and it was when we went to Santa Rosa, but I have to admit I'm lightly nervous. We all know I need my sleep! Anyways, we'll be in Santa Fe for a week and celebrating Thanksgiving with my in-laws. It should be a lot of fun. Will keep you posted on the trip! (I know I haven't posted too much, but I figured I didn't need to post new house info seems to be consuming my NEWS) Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Framed and Ready
So, I know it's been awhile since I've really updated "our lives." So, first I'll update on the biggest part of our lives....our house! First, the house we live in now is still on the market. We've had a few looks, but not too sure how serious anyone is just yet. We've dropped our price and feel it's now priced to sell! Please pray that is sells soon! We were told that our house has the potential to be finished at the end of January! However, we all know how the building process goes, so we'll still sit tight and watch the building process.
Yesturday we went to the house to show a few friends. Everyone added their own touch to the house! Sharpie markers were out and friends left comments all over the house. Clay and I are going to pick out some scripture to write on the frame of the house. So, if anyone has anything they would like to add...let me know, and I'll write it for you in spirit!
Yesturday we went to the house to show a few friends. Everyone added their own touch to the house! Sharpie markers were out and friends left comments all over the house. Clay and I are going to pick out some scripture to write on the frame of the house. So, if anyone has anything they would like to add...let me know, and I'll write it for you in spirit!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Halloween at Disney

Thursday, September 28, 2006
New York Life Executive Council Trip
We've been in Southern California for a few days now. It's been great! I was able to spend some quality time with family and friends! It was extra nice spending the day with "My Papa" on his birthday. I've been able to take Clay to the Brea Mall, Downtown Disney, and there is more to come. Tonight we will be going to Disney's California Adventure. NY Life has rented the park out for the night, so we will only have to share with ohters in the NYLIC family. Friday we will experience Disneyland together. Clay hasn't been there in 13 years, so it will be great! I've really enjoyed being here and learning more about NY Life. I'm extreamly impressed with the empasis they put on family. So, I'll fill everyone in when we get back!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Fresno State Bulldogs..
There is a new exitment in the Blanton house, it's called Fresno State Football. Last year Clay watched the games! Some games we'd have "football parties." Some were just DVR worthy, and I am sure Clay went to one or two of the games. This year it's a little different. At about 7 am I heard my husband concerned about his dress attire. For those of you who know Clay, he's not one to ever worry about what he is going to wear. However, this morning, a dark cloud hovered when he realized he no longer had a red polo shirt. How was he going to support his team?! Did you catch it was 7 am?! I don't think the team will come after him for not wearing his polo, considering we have season tickets, with 6 other couples, for all the games. We will be sitting on the 50 yard line about 20 rows that not support enough! This means our schedule has been focused around Fresno States home games. It should be fun. For those of you who are not from Fresno...these games are the big highlights of the year. Everyone in Fresno seems very supportive of the school and the Athletics. Tailgating and football...should be fun
Monday, August 28, 2006
Back in the Day...
This weekend we went to an 80's birthday party. Considering the 80's, to me, was the first 10 years of my life....finding the right outfit was a challenge. I do remember poofy bangs, leggings, long sirts, and t-shirt clips! So, we improvised. I did however learn something new about my husband. He still has his ear pierced! We had talked about a time in his life when he used to wear an earing, but it was another thing seeing him come out of the bedroom with one of my earings in his ear.
I have to hand it to the Norfleets. They sure can throw a good party.
I have to hand it to the Norfleets. They sure can throw a good party.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Officially Listed

Monday, August 07, 2006
Lets be Original!

Sometimes I have to wonder what people are thinking when they start following me around stores like Home Depot and Albertsons! I'm clearly not the famous actress Renee Zelweger! I would try to argue that I don't look like her, but everyone else seems to think so. It's annoying already. When I was bartending it was oftern asked, "has anyone ever told you that you look like Renee?" Then there was the fish lady at Alberton's. She would seriously shake around me! Chill woman, I'm not her. It was really crazy when she started telling everyone around me that I was their "Hollywood star." Now, I can't seem to escape it. The other day we were at Home depot. There was a strange man that kept watching me look for closet doors. It creeped me out a little bit, but I ignored him. When were standing in the check out his wife let it be known that he thought "I looked like...." I finished her sentence for her. Is there a way I can make money on this?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Breaking Ground
Monday, July 31, 2006
All Aboard!

Last weekend we escaped the Fresno heat! We traveled north to see parents in Santa Rosa. This trip was much different from all the other, we took the Train! I was a little nervous at first because we were going to be on the train for a little over 3 hours and then a bus! Never did I think I would travel willingly by bus! To my surprise, it was awsome! We played cribbage, talked, walked around a little, had a snack in the dinning car, and just really enjoyed our time together. Now, we had other motives in taking this trip. We are going to travel to Santa Fe in November over Thanksgiving. So, the train trip is 14 hours from Barstow! I wasn't sure if I'd be up for it, but now I think it will be ok. So, we're helping the enviornment and saving money! (Did I mention the train is cheap! It would have cost us the same amount in Gas to drive to Santa Rosa.) So, if you're looking for a new way to travel, I highly suggest looking into the train.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Finances or Enviornment?

So now we've been laughed at and called crazy, but we think we're being wise. It seems as though Clay and I have become much more concerned about our enviornment and the world in which we hope to raise children in. It started with some documentaries on Dateline, or 20/20 and it soon escalated to us going to the movies to see An Inconvenient Truth. So first, let me remind everyone that I really don't enjoy going to the movies. Usually it's cold, uncomfortable, and there's someone just being really annoying. So, I opt to wait until we can order it from Netflix. This movie was great! I could have done with out some of the political babble Gore shared, but for the most part I felt it was very educational! I do beleive that it should be shared with everyone. The real question is, what will the people actually do with it? Let's be honest, it's real easy to you do it? This brings me to us being "crazy" part. We want to buy a scooter! Not a little rinky dink one, but one that actually has some get up and go. Why? First of all, we want to help the enviornment. That doesn't mean I'm giving up my SUV but we will share it! We'll use the scooter for getting to point A to point B. I took one for a ride today and it was lots of fun! Now, for those of you who know my husband....we are also doing this for financial reasons. They are cheap! They get anywhere from 80-100 miles to the gallon, and Clay figured out after 20 years the money saved will pay for our kids college. Don't worry! That is not how we are funding our children's college accounts, but he seemed to think that was cool! So, I'll let you know how the scooter shopping is going. In the mean time...visit An Inconvenient Truth. It doesn't hurt to see what little changes will make a world of difference.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
"Just Borrowed"

Friday, June 30, 2006
Happy 4th of July!
We're leaving for Havasu today! That means I actually get to ski again for the first time in two or three years! Well with the exeption of going wake boarding with the Glancy's for the day! So, for everyone else, have a safe and Happy 4th!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Granite, Cabinets, etc...

It's been so much fun picking out all of our options. After spending a total of 6 hours at the design center, we finished designing the inside of our house! We also changed our lot. Our new lot is still on a corner, but now we have an almost 40 foot backyard, vs. 20 feet! (To see pictures click on the links)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Something to Ponder
It's not too often that I really like the forwards that people love to send. As a matter of fact I rarely read half of them! However, when I do read a good one I like to share it, and figure that only 1 or 2 of the people I send it to will actually read it. This morning I was sent one that I feel is worth reading! Thanks Stephanie!
Beautifully stated
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end,
be afraid that it will never begin.
Beautifully stated
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end,
be afraid that it will never begin.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Thank God it's Over!
Today was my last day at Pershing Continuation School! It was a great learning experience. I learned I really enjoy teaching, but I don't think I'll ever take a long term sub position again. I enjoy Jr. High, but I can't teach Math or History! I think I'll stick with English or Science. And, I think I really really enjoy "just being a sub." With that's time to enjoy summer and get the house ready to sell!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Introducing Additions to the Blanton Household

It's been an action packed weekend! Thursday night my parents, The Wards, and Matt all came in from out of town to go white water rafting! It's been somewhat of a tradition. The Friday and Saturday of Memorial day weekend Clay's friends get a group of 75 people to go The King's River . Check it out, if you want to go next year, just let me know!
OH, and no it's not a joke! There are two new members of the Blanton house hold. One is my lil sis's dog! The other is Janelle, my lil sister! We're glad to have here in Fresno! Any bets on how long it will take my mom to give in and start CONSIDERING Fresno?

Sunday, May 21, 2006
No More Waiting
It's official! Saturday morning we put our reservation down for lot 125! No, we didn't end up with our first choice, but after walking the lot, we are just as happy with our second choice. We still don't have anyone behind us, and we're on a corner of a cul-de-sac soo...we only have to share a fence with one neighbor! So, the process begins. We will be moving to Harlan Ranch in Clovis. I guess #49 wasn't so bad after all.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Number 49...
I've realized Clay and I like to keep things exiting, so we're looking a new house! We put a bid in on a lot in Clovis. We're super exited! The house is going to be in Harlan Ranch, a master-planned community. The lot we are the list for has a park across the street, and no one directly behind us. The key words here, are we are on a list! 49th to be exact! So we are praying about it. The rest is up to God.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Easter Fun!

Easter was great! We were able to spend Saturday at Roeding Park! This park has a little bit of eveything. We played tennis, the kids played on the playground, and some played softball. There is even a zoo! We had a BBQ, and then went to Storyland. (The kids area next to the zoo) I was fascinated by our "spring" surroundings. Little Chicks were learning to swim, Geese were sitting on their eggs, and some were even hatching! It was great! I think my mom had the most fun practicing to be a grandma. She just loved on my niece all day long...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Not so bad!

So, we realized sleeping in the Trail Blazer isn't so comfortable! I don't think we'll doing that again! Putting up a tent might be a little work, but well worth it! We had a great time. We went on a long hike up and down the hills, Clay went on a few rides, and we were in great company! We're looking forward to doing it again..just next time, we'll have different sleeping arrangments!

Saturday, April 08, 2006
A Weekend of Wonder...
So this weekend we are going to the desert to go motorcycle riding! This should be interesting since I don't particularly like motorcycle! However it should be fun watching my niece and nephew ride. Not to mention my husband! Did I mention we will be sleeping in the trail blazer for 2 nights!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A.....
I am now teaching 7th grade full time! I took on a seventh grade opportunity class at Pershing school. The kids have been great, for the most part, and I'm really enjoying myself. I have the kids for all 4 periods, so I'm teaching a little bit of everything. As suspected, Science is my favorite, with English as a close second...Hmmm...maybe, just maybe, I've figured out what I want to be when I grow up!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
These are the Moments...

The wedding was beautiful, and so was the bride! We had a great time! The rehearsal dinner was at Dave-n-Busters...after a few drinks "mom" was fortunate enough to hear about the things you just tell moms when you are in high school! It was great. Danny, the groom, was amazing. He continues to surprise her and make her smile...meanwhile the rest of the wedding party seem to be in tears over and over again. Well, in all fairness, half of the time we were full of tears because of the sappy love stuff...the half of the time we couldn't stop laughing. As I stated in my Matron of Honor speech...these are moments I'll never forget.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

We're off again! This weekend is Jeanice's wedding. For those of you who don't know Jeanice...she has been one of my closest friends since high school! Danny, the groom, is a wonderful man! I couldn't have hand picked a better person for her. So, I leave today to do the girlie stuff...pick up my bridesmaid dress, get my nails done, etc. etc. Clay will meet me on Saturday to enjoy the day! So, another chapter in our lives has been completed, now another one begins...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I'm Back

I'm back from the cruise! I had a great time, but missed Clay. He seemed to enjoy his nights with the boys, but I think we're both glad I'm home! I realized on this trip that I can no longer stay out until 3:30 a.m. for three nights in a row, and continue to function like a normal human being the next few days. Well, I don't think I ever could, but now I know I can't! I don't think I'll go on another vacation with out him least not for a long time.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Home Alone
This weekend will be a new first for Clay and I. I am going on Cruise for Jeanice's Bachlorette Party. We're going to Ensenada on Royal Caribbean's Monarch of the Sea It should be lots of fun! Well.... we've spent a few nights away from each other before but never 4, and certainly not 4 nights where we can't call and say good-night. So, the boys are having a poker night here on Saturday. It should be a fun weekend!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
I'm Old!
Happy Birthday to Me...Happy Birthday to Me...
Ok, so you know you're getting old when..
* You want to go bed before 10!
* Wake up before 8 just because..
* You start looking at your age thinking "I can't possibly be that old!"
Example...Clay and I went to San Francisco and Santa Rosa for the weekend. We sat down after dinner to watch Wedding Crashers (Great Movie) and I fell asleep in the first 5 minutes. Yah, it was only 8:00 p.m.
Ok, so you know you're getting old when..
* You want to go bed before 10!
* Wake up before 8 just because..
* You start looking at your age thinking "I can't possibly be that old!"
Example...Clay and I went to San Francisco and Santa Rosa for the weekend. We sat down after dinner to watch Wedding Crashers (Great Movie) and I fell asleep in the first 5 minutes. Yah, it was only 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Happy Birthday to All of Us!!!

February seems to be a busy month for birthdays! Last weekend we had a party and included all of the February babies! Well most of them anyways. We had a great time. We finally lit the firepit and enjoyed the backyard. Clay put in a horse shoe pit, but once the sun went down it was somewhat pointless. So, Happy Birthday Warren, Clay, Tricia, Parker, Jessica, Pat, Alicynne....oh yah and ME!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Leaving Work with a SMILE!
So I decided to start substitute teaching again. Today I worked at a continuation high school and loved it! The kids were great and really just needed a little extra attention. The principal asked me if I was interested in a job, but since don't have my credential he couldn't hire me. At least not yet anyways! It's nice to leave "work" with a smile!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
OK, so for all of you who know what this crazy game is..then you might understand my frusteration. For Christmas, Clay recieved a book of puzzles called SUDOKU. I've been working my way through the puzzles and I find it surprisingly relaxing! Anyways, so I started doing the Fresno Bee daily SUDOKU. It's been fine, but each day it ups a level. So yesturday was challenging but I made it through. today I just staired and pretended to do the puzzle! Only 1 real for sure number went on the page. After about 45 minutes...I said forget it! It wasn't so relaxing anymore. I think I'll stick the easy ones.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
It's a New Year
Wow, last night I had time to really reflect on this year and how wonderful it has been.
However, before I get into that...let me just say Chrismas was Wonderful!
However, before I get into that...let me just say Chrismas was Wonderful!
- Friday 12/23 I was able to make gingerbread houses with my neices and nephew. I had no clue what I was doing but we had a great time. (Pictures to come)
- Saturday my mom and dad drove in from Santa Rosa. They even brought the dogs! I made us Clam Chowder and a Ceasar salad. It made for a nice quiet night. (Exept I was in the kitchen all day and night)
- Sunday morning Janelle surprised us all and we were all together Christmas morning. As my mom likes to say, her "hear was full."
- Clay's mom, stepdad, and stepbrother joined us for breakfast. The 10 of us had a great time.
- Dinner was at 5:30. My livingroom was transformed and we had 25 people around our Christmas table. It was fabulous!
So with that said. Clay and I spent our first Christmas together and we had a great time. Tuesday we had his Dad and Peggy over and we were able to spend time with them as well. So aside from Christmas...we shared many firsts this year. We can't wait to see what next year will bring.
For those of you far away...we miss you lots, and we loved all our Christmas Cards...Do I have to take those down too?
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