Thursday, June 19, 2008

Week 22 & 23

I know I've been asking for it, but pregnancy isn't something I just love! The last two weeks I have learned a lot of about "being pregnant."
1) Jumping into a cold lake when you're hot..not such a good idea!
(We went to Santa Rosa Lake, and when I hit the water my legs curled into fetal position, and my stomach was so tight I could hardly breath! Apparently the baby doesn't like cold water much!)
2) Charley Horses or leg cramps aren't just resolved by calcium and potassium. Pointing your toes only makes them worse, and you're supposed to walk them out. How do you walk them out when they come on when you're sleeping! Obviously I'm awake at that point, but I can't just "hop out of bed!" I can hardly roll out of bed!
3) All of the books say that bloody noses are common. What they don't tell you is they can come on with out warning, and they may be fierce! I know carry a box of tissue in my car, and a few in my purse just in case.
4) I always thought pregnant women were really cute. I still do, I just don't think it's so cute on me! For those people who feel sexy when they are pregnant, I'd love to know the secret. This is NOT SEXY or "CUTE"
5) I believe full nights sleep is now something of the past. If it's not the throbbing in the hips, trying to stay comfortable, leg cramps, a numbing sensation though my arms, the need to use the restroom, late night hunger, it's the baby practicing his soccer kicks!

It would probably help if I'd take it easy, but I'm also nesting! There are things that just need to get done!


Andrea said...

Oh honey, all I can say is that I feel for you because I know where you are and I know where you are going. Believe it or not, even though right now you wish you could chop off your legs or plug up your nose, you will miss being pregnant and you will one day wish for this all over again. Hang in there, less than 20 weeks to go. All my love!

Anonymous said...

i never thought of some of the things youve said, but i hope it will feel sexy for you and that you will sleep good at night, i guess thats why its an adventure eh but bloody noses thats something i havent heard, ttul emily

Jen said...

try pillows everywhere when you sleep...i had a wedge under my belly, one between my legs, and another one behind by back. i swear by it!