Do I work? Yes. However, it doesn't really seem like work. I am in the process of figuring out what my role is going to be when I become "mom." Currently, I am buisness owner, personal trainer, & doula. Well almost doula. My company is called Movin' Mamas. Under this name I own a franchise called Stroller Strides. I LOVE WHAT I DO! Stroller Strides is a fitness program for moms and moms to be. Really anyone could be apart of it, but the conversations usually pertain to mommy hood, and kids are with moms when they are working out. We don't simply "walk" in the parks. We meet at a park, we do walking and jogging intervals. We use resistant bands to tone and firm, and in the end we work out our abs and core. It's an amazing program and I highly recomment all new moms look into something like this. Not just because I own a franchise here, but because there is a built in community. Transitioning into mommy hood is hard enough. Sleepless nights, wondering if your crying child is alright, finding a place for your spouse in the midst of it all. These are all issues that moms seem to be able to talk through with each other and realize they are not alone. They have advise and suggestions, so hopefully you leave everyday feeling good mentally and physically. Not being a mom yet, I've built friendships that will last a lifetime. These are the girls that encouraged me when we were trying, talked with me through the hard times, and have been great support durring the pregnancy! So, that is Stroller Strides. I teach these classes, but I am preparing to grow and let others teach while I get ready to be a mommy. That doesn't mean I'm not going to be working at all. I have build a personal training studio in the house. I have clients 5 days a week as early as 5:00 am. I will probably maintain this until it's time to have this lil guy. As for being a doula, I am working on my certification. I have one birth down, and two more to go. I will hopefully attend a birth in if I can get one more in July it would be perfect. I need 3 in order to send my packet into DONA. What is a doula? A doula in so many words is an assited labor coach. I could go on and on about this, but I'll leave that for another long winded post. My goal with this is to be able to one birth a month. I probably won't really do much with it until the baby is sleeping through the night, and I find someone I am comfortable calling on a whim to babysit. So, we'll see how it all plays out.
So aside from being a wife, decorator, cook, and being spoiled by my husband. I do's just more of a fun lifestyle then a job.
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