Sunday, December 14, 2008
All Smiles!
Friday, December 05, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thank God!
Sunday we went to church for the first time with Clayton. I bring this up because the service was very touching. It made me think back to last year and how "bitter" I was. The service really talked about all the things I wish I would have heard last year. Basically, Jareds message was called "Troubled Hearts." If you are feeling down about something I encourage you to listen to the feed. It's strange beacuse last year I didn't want to go church. I felt like everytime we went the message was about family, I was surrounded by pregnant women, and I every service turned into me bartering with God. IF ONLY, and "why not me?" So, now I wonder about just how much I didn't listen. So this year I sat and realized there is nothing I feel troubled about, and I thank God every day for that. I write this because there is so much I learned through the troubled times, but that doesn't mean that it made it any easier.
In just a year, I went from confused, hurt, frusterated, and in some cases alone (even thought I am happily married to a wonderful man) to being complete fullfilled, exhausted, tankful, and delighted. I learned that God has a plan that I will never completely understand. I realized that I have control over very little in my life. Pregnancy taught me (or tired to teach me) patience, and selflessness. Motherhood has taught me more of the same. As much as I would love to control the situation, I know that I can't and the harder I try the less control I have.
So I this year, my Thanksgiving isn't just on Thursday. I'm giving thanks every day. Every day I am thankful for God's love, His plan, and the work he has done on my heart!
I'd like to thank my friends who were there to listen through the bad times, and those who rejoiced with me in the good times. I'm thankful that I have family that loves my son and wants to be with him. I'm thankful for those who have guided me in the first few weeks of motherhood, and those who are going to continue being a support system. I'd like to thank my husband for being who he his. For riding the rollercoaster with me, for showing me sanity when I felt insane. (Even if I didn't want to hear it, or see it!)
It's amazing what God has done in our lives. I couldn't have prayed for a better husband, a more precious child, or a better life.
In just a year, I went from confused, hurt, frusterated, and in some cases alone (even thought I am happily married to a wonderful man) to being complete fullfilled, exhausted, tankful, and delighted. I learned that God has a plan that I will never completely understand. I realized that I have control over very little in my life. Pregnancy taught me (or tired to teach me) patience, and selflessness. Motherhood has taught me more of the same. As much as I would love to control the situation, I know that I can't and the harder I try the less control I have.
So I this year, my Thanksgiving isn't just on Thursday. I'm giving thanks every day. Every day I am thankful for God's love, His plan, and the work he has done on my heart!
I'd like to thank my friends who were there to listen through the bad times, and those who rejoiced with me in the good times. I'm thankful that I have family that loves my son and wants to be with him. I'm thankful for those who have guided me in the first few weeks of motherhood, and those who are going to continue being a support system. I'd like to thank my husband for being who he his. For riding the rollercoaster with me, for showing me sanity when I felt insane. (Even if I didn't want to hear it, or see it!)
It's amazing what God has done in our lives. I couldn't have prayed for a better husband, a more precious child, or a better life.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Just to let you know
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Our Lil Pumpkin!
Today Clayton is a whole 4 weeks old! It's crazy how fast it went. Here are some pictures of his first halloween!
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Birth Story
As I had previously posted sleepless nights and contractions on and off for three days had made me a little batty! The contractions were getting me ready, but they weren't too effective. By Friday morning I had enough. I called the Dr. and asked him to give me something. Really, I was asking if there something that would help me sleep. He was on call at the hospital and extremely busy in his office so he sent me to the hospital to see if I had progressed any since Wednesday. He told me he would talk to me about it after I was checked.
11:45: I went to St. Agnes, and was checked in for an OB check. I was put on the monitors, so I could see that I was having contractions. They weren't really big, or even doing much for that matter, but they were there. When I was checked there had been no progress since Wednesday. I was about 50% effaced and hardly dilated at all! So, the Dr. was on the phone and gave me the option of Ambien or induction. Knowing everything I know about induction it was a hard decision to make. I was "done." I was miserable, annoyed, and anxious. Patience has never been one of my better features. After talking to Clay and my doula, Natalie, I decided to be induced. Why? I knew that if I didn't go into labor on my own by Wednesday we were going to be talking about inducting anyways. Because I had gestational diabetes the size and health of the baby was a concern. So, I had convinced myself that 5 days wasn't going to matter much, and I didn't think I could go on with another 5 sleepless nights, another NST (non stress test) and AFI (an ultrasound where they are checking fluid levels). It was all getting so consuming!
4:30is: Clay brought me all of my "things" and we were ready! Pitosin was started, I was hooked up to the monitors and I had an IV. So, it was all a little more then I had wanted initially, but ultimately I wanted a healthy baby, and I wanted him out! Contractions began but they weren't too bad. I was going to try to this with out any pain medication. Not because I wanted to be super mom, but I didn't want to feel sick from the epidural (as some people do). I was also dead set on no IV meds because they all go to the baby, and I didn't want a "sleepy" baby. So, the beginning stages of labor began.
1:15am: I was in a good place! We had flameless candles out, relaxing music, lights dimmed, and I was in a trance. I was half asleep (most relaxed I had been in days!) and I just rocked from side to side with each contraction. I sent Clay to get some "treats" for the nurses, and I told Natalie I would call her when contractions were bad enough that I needed help. So, I was alone and just really preparing for what was to come. Then there was a pop, and my water broke. This was good that this happened on it's own. I called the nurse in, and Natalie and Clay arrived a few minutes later. Contraction picked up! I used the ball, leaned on Clay, took a hot shower, and had Natalie encouraging me through each contraction.
4:45-5:00am: I was only dilated to a 2! I still had 8 cm to go, and contractions were back to back. I requested the epidural. I knew I needed my body to relax. Epidural was administered and I was a happy girl! We had about an hour of joking with the Dr. and just hanging out. However, it was nap time! I was so relaxed that I was ready to get some sleep! Clay went to take a shower and eat some breakfast. Natalie was hanging out, but I knew I was going to sleep, so I told her to go home, relax and take a nap. Mind you, everyone I have seen get an epidural has been able to sleep, and just ride the ride for the most part.
7:30 am: I called the nurse in. I had sharp pains through my left side! They were getting worse by the minute. The epidural was "falling out." The good news I was dilated to a 4.5! So, epidural #2 was put in. Clay and Natalie were on their way back! No nap for me! The second epidural took relief away from m right side, but I began to feel it on my left. About 45 minutes into it, I felt every contraction, but couldn't move my legs. Contractions continued we tried epidural #3 and nothing. So, it was 12:30 pm on Saturday. I was exhausted, pitosin was flowing, but baby was fine. I was watching the nurse, Natalie, and everyone else in the room. Everyone seemed puzzled and concerned. Turns out there was a suspicion that the baby was face up. This usually makes for a very hard delivery. When I would contract, he really didn't move much, but he looked fine.
12:45pm: The doctor called, and asked how things were going. I was supposed to be dilating a cm and hour. However, with out relaxing I was only at a 5. At this point I was doing everything I could to just get through the contractions. I didn't know how to get myself to relax when I was shaking, throwing up, and bed ridden! I was told that I had two more hours to start dilating. The thought of two more hours was unbearable. It was then that I asked the anestegiologist how long it would take to get the spinal, and asked for my Dr. to come. Now, I need to mention, a c-section had been mentioned for medical reasons such as...I wasn't dilating quick enough, the baby was face up and could potentially not push through, and there was the issue of me being exhausted. I feel like the c-section was the right thing to do. I wanted Clayton to be healthy! That was my primary goal.
2:00pm ish: I was in the OR. Spinal was done. I couldn't feel a thing! Well my body was shaking, so I was trying to breath through to relax. Clay was asked to stand up, and he watched them pull Clayton III out. They held him up for me to see, and Clay followed as they took them to be cleaned up.
2:33pm was the exact time Clay and I became parents. Clay brought him over to me so I could see him. I cried. I had such mixed emotions. I was happy! Yet, I was sad that I couldn't hold him.
3:30ish: I was in recovery, and Clayton was in my arms.

The best part of the c-section: I won't ever go through labor again!
The worst part: Waiting an hour to hold my baby!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
It's another sleepless night in the Blanton house. Really, it's the third night in a row that sleep has been scattered! Three nights ago I learned what getting up to go the bathroom every two hours was all about. Then at about 11:00 am on Wednesday I started having cantractions. They seemed to be somewhat regular until around 1:30 and then they started to scatter, and by the time I went to bed, they were gone. I had a Dr. apt at 2:40 and found out they weren't too productive. I am 50% effaced and barely dialated. He did inform me that IF he still hasn't come by next Wednesday that we were going to have to talk about induction. Only because of the gestational diabetes. I'm not real big on induction, but at this point..something has gotta give! Especially since there has been a cycle of sporatic contractions through the day, and sleepless nights. I'm sure it's "God's way of getting me ready" but some sleep would be nice before I HAVE to be up with a baby. Just thought I'd share!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
False Alarm: Potential TMI
Being a first time mom brings up a lot of questions about labor. It's funny because I've been apart of deliveries as a doula, been to my doula classes, read a ton of books, but still not quite sure what to look for or expect. As Clay said last night, I know just enough to be dangerous. So, this leads me to our night last night.
I took a bath yesturday afternoon to just relax and unwind. At around 4:00pm I was out of the bath and putsing around the house again. ARound 6:00pm I walked out to get the mail. I stood outside for about 15 minutes talking to the neighbors. Have I mentioned I love where we live! We have great a great neigborhood! Anyways, so I was standing there and I felt a "wet" sensation, followed by a cramping in my upper right abdomen. When I went inside I checked to see what was going on. My thought, it could have just been bath water..?! However, I walked around the house, felt a little cramping, and had one contraction. At least the way others have explained them. You could see my entire stomach get hard, but the baby wasn't moving around. So, that led me to finish packing my bags, (which have been packed for the most part for a week or so) installing the car seat in Clays car, and left for a labor check. With all that said, I wasn't having regular contractions, and I wasn't 100% sure my water broke. My doula, Natalie, recommended that I go to the hospital to make sure. If my water broke and I wasn't having contractions that could present a problem. So, off we went.
A little before 8:00pm I was put in the triage room, hooked up to the moniors, and waited. It wasn't until almost 9:00pm that they swabbed me to see if it was my water. When the first test came back negative they ordered another test. An hour later, the other test arrived. This test just took longer, but was extreamly painful!! The nurses comment was, "well we have bloody show." NO KIDDING! With pain like that I wouldn't expect much less. Soon after she checked me and I was "a fingertip dialated." However, no sign that my water broke.
At this point Clay and I were just ready to go home! All I wanted was someone to tell me yes or no. I didn't expect to be there for hours. My contraction monitor was showing no sign of contractions, and the babys heart rate was all over the place. He was fine, but they want the baby active on the monitor most of the time. So, they had me lay there until they had better readings. UGH! Finally, around 11:30 I unpluged the monitors and headed to the restroom. My monitors were falling off, and I was ready to just go home. Clay went to tell them my monitors fell off, and the nurse, who was drinking her coffee and chatting away, looked at him and began appologizing for the wait. At this point, I think they just forgot about us! So, we were out of there at 11:45.
For now, no labor, but since the nurse poked and proded I have had continous bloody show. I have an appt. with my Dr. at 11:30 so I will give an update after that.
I took a bath yesturday afternoon to just relax and unwind. At around 4:00pm I was out of the bath and putsing around the house again. ARound 6:00pm I walked out to get the mail. I stood outside for about 15 minutes talking to the neighbors. Have I mentioned I love where we live! We have great a great neigborhood! Anyways, so I was standing there and I felt a "wet" sensation, followed by a cramping in my upper right abdomen. When I went inside I checked to see what was going on. My thought, it could have just been bath water..?! However, I walked around the house, felt a little cramping, and had one contraction. At least the way others have explained them. You could see my entire stomach get hard, but the baby wasn't moving around. So, that led me to finish packing my bags, (which have been packed for the most part for a week or so) installing the car seat in Clays car, and left for a labor check. With all that said, I wasn't having regular contractions, and I wasn't 100% sure my water broke. My doula, Natalie, recommended that I go to the hospital to make sure. If my water broke and I wasn't having contractions that could present a problem. So, off we went.
A little before 8:00pm I was put in the triage room, hooked up to the moniors, and waited. It wasn't until almost 9:00pm that they swabbed me to see if it was my water. When the first test came back negative they ordered another test. An hour later, the other test arrived. This test just took longer, but was extreamly painful!! The nurses comment was, "well we have bloody show." NO KIDDING! With pain like that I wouldn't expect much less. Soon after she checked me and I was "a fingertip dialated." However, no sign that my water broke.
At this point Clay and I were just ready to go home! All I wanted was someone to tell me yes or no. I didn't expect to be there for hours. My contraction monitor was showing no sign of contractions, and the babys heart rate was all over the place. He was fine, but they want the baby active on the monitor most of the time. So, they had me lay there until they had better readings. UGH! Finally, around 11:30 I unpluged the monitors and headed to the restroom. My monitors were falling off, and I was ready to just go home. Clay went to tell them my monitors fell off, and the nurse, who was drinking her coffee and chatting away, looked at him and began appologizing for the wait. At this point, I think they just forgot about us! So, we were out of there at 11:45.
For now, no labor, but since the nurse poked and proded I have had continous bloody show. I have an appt. with my Dr. at 11:30 so I will give an update after that.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"The Rules"
I've had a few people ask me about what is going to take place when I have the baby. Do I want visitors at the hospital? When will we call? How will they know? I do have some of the answers but in all honesty the only way we are going to know how we feel about all of this is to find out when we reach that point.
This is what I do know:
We plan to deliver at St. Agnes. The only way we would end up at Clovis Community is if my Dr. was on call at Clovis. Otherwise, I will be a St. Agnes. I plan to labor as long as I can at home and then go to the hospital. My guess is there will be very little phone calls made durring this time. This will be the last few hours of "alone" time for Clay and I, so I am going to take full advantage of it. During the labor no one besides Clay and my doula, Natalie, will be in the room with me. So, hanging out at the hospital would probably be boring! They have a "waiting room" downstairs in the main lobby. We'll be on the 6th floor, and there isn't a waiting room up there.
These are the visitors rules:
*Visitng hours are from 10am-8pm
*There is a naptime between 1-3pm. IF I have to share a room and the other mom requests this time then no visitors will be allowed during this time.
*All visitors have to be over the age of 12: They will not let children in.
*You check in on the 6th floor. They will give you a little badge.
*They will only allow 3 people at a time in the room, so PLEASE CALL US!
As for when will everyone find out. When you get that phone call. You may not hear from us, but we have a few people to call who will then start spreading the word.
So boring blog, but figured I'd answer the questions, and post "the rules."
Only 3 more weeks until this lil guy is supposed to be here!!
This is what I do know:
We plan to deliver at St. Agnes. The only way we would end up at Clovis Community is if my Dr. was on call at Clovis. Otherwise, I will be a St. Agnes. I plan to labor as long as I can at home and then go to the hospital. My guess is there will be very little phone calls made durring this time. This will be the last few hours of "alone" time for Clay and I, so I am going to take full advantage of it. During the labor no one besides Clay and my doula, Natalie, will be in the room with me. So, hanging out at the hospital would probably be boring! They have a "waiting room" downstairs in the main lobby. We'll be on the 6th floor, and there isn't a waiting room up there.
These are the visitors rules:
*Visitng hours are from 10am-8pm
*There is a naptime between 1-3pm. IF I have to share a room and the other mom requests this time then no visitors will be allowed during this time.
*All visitors have to be over the age of 12: They will not let children in.
*You check in on the 6th floor. They will give you a little badge.
*They will only allow 3 people at a time in the room, so PLEASE CALL US!
As for when will everyone find out. When you get that phone call. You may not hear from us, but we have a few people to call who will then start spreading the word.
So boring blog, but figured I'd answer the questions, and post "the rules."
Only 3 more weeks until this lil guy is supposed to be here!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
"Doulaing" at home
This week I was fortunate enough to be a part of a home birth. Since my doula training home births have peeked my curiosity, but not something I've ever been a huge supporter of. However, there was an opportunity for me to doula a home birth. After a lot of consideration I realized that since I was still a doula in training and volunteering my time I could do it. I wasn't "scared" of them, I just didn't know what I thought. My biggest concern was always, "what if!"
Well, this is what I learned. Home births, if done responsibly, can be amazing and extremely relaxing. Here's the story; water broke at 7:00 am but contractions weren't anything big. So, I arrive at 1:30ish and contractions still aren't anything serious. The midwife and I talked different labor techniques over (by the way I learned more about labor and delivery during this birth then any other) and the general idea was that if labor didn't pick up by 7:00 pm she would have to go to the hospital. Reason, hospitals only really give you 24 hours after your water breaks before they consider a c-section. So, we wanted to make sure she had enough time in the hospital to get things moving. At around 3:30 pm mom drank a castor oil cocktail! (3oz castor oil, oj concentrate, & ice) At around 5:00 contractions picked up. Meanwhile, she was able to walk around the house, play with her kids, cuddle with her husband, take walks, and eat light snacks. All of these things you can not do in a hospital. (Especially the cuddle with the hubby part)
The birth took place in her bath tub. There was very little medical intervention. The midwife only checked her once to make sure she was progressing before she entered the water. So, when the time came and she felt like pushing she was encouraged to push. Unlike in a hospital she pushed in a way that felt natural to her. No one was telling her how long to hold the push, or what to do. She just let it happen. The head came out, and she waited for another contraction before she pulled the body out and lifted the baby to her chest.
The baby didn't even really cry. It made a healthy noise, but she was as content as could be. Midwife injected mom with some patosin to make her blot clot and then made sure mom and baby were fine.
During this, I noticed how relaxed mom stayed, and how content baby was when born. It was extremely different. I am still not a home birth advocate, but I will say, I now understand why people like to have their babies at home. I'm much more open minded and secure about being a doula at future home births.
Just thought I'd share..
Well, this is what I learned. Home births, if done responsibly, can be amazing and extremely relaxing. Here's the story; water broke at 7:00 am but contractions weren't anything big. So, I arrive at 1:30ish and contractions still aren't anything serious. The midwife and I talked different labor techniques over (by the way I learned more about labor and delivery during this birth then any other) and the general idea was that if labor didn't pick up by 7:00 pm she would have to go to the hospital. Reason, hospitals only really give you 24 hours after your water breaks before they consider a c-section. So, we wanted to make sure she had enough time in the hospital to get things moving. At around 3:30 pm mom drank a castor oil cocktail! (3oz castor oil, oj concentrate, & ice) At around 5:00 contractions picked up. Meanwhile, she was able to walk around the house, play with her kids, cuddle with her husband, take walks, and eat light snacks. All of these things you can not do in a hospital. (Especially the cuddle with the hubby part)
The birth took place in her bath tub. There was very little medical intervention. The midwife only checked her once to make sure she was progressing before she entered the water. So, when the time came and she felt like pushing she was encouraged to push. Unlike in a hospital she pushed in a way that felt natural to her. No one was telling her how long to hold the push, or what to do. She just let it happen. The head came out, and she waited for another contraction before she pulled the body out and lifted the baby to her chest.
The baby didn't even really cry. It made a healthy noise, but she was as content as could be. Midwife injected mom with some patosin to make her blot clot and then made sure mom and baby were fine.
During this, I noticed how relaxed mom stayed, and how content baby was when born. It was extremely different. I am still not a home birth advocate, but I will say, I now understand why people like to have their babies at home. I'm much more open minded and secure about being a doula at future home births.
Just thought I'd share..
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
NST Update
Since I have gestational diabetes I have to take a few extra precautions with the baby. Besides the boring diet, I will now be going in for Amnionic Fluid checks once a week and non stress testes twice a week. Yesturday was the first for both. The Amnionic fluid test is really an ultrasound. They look and make sure the baby is in the right position, there is enough fluid for him, and they check his heart rate. Apparently these are all concerns when you have GD. It was actually cool seeing an ultrasound at 36 weeks. He's big so it's not like you get a pic of whole body, but he was in the right position. His head is right on my cervix (nice and cozy for me!) and they are guessing he is about 7.5 pounds. This can be almost a pound off, so I'm trying not to think about the weight too much. (This could mean a 9.5 pound baby in a month!) After the ultrasound I went up to labor and delivery. They hook me up to the fetal heart monitor and I just sat and listened to his heart beat for half an hour. Everything looks good, just waiting for him to be ready!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday Comic
Sundays are usually Church and errand days. We didn't go to church yesturday, but we did make it to Costco, Best Buy, Office Max, and then IHOP for lunch. We are home for maybe 2 minutes and Clay infoms me that there is a hole in my pants. I'm thinking a snag, a small hole....OH NO! This wasn't a hole it was a tear from the middle of my back side to my thigh! We have no idea when this "hole" appeared! Besides the belly, the waddle, and the sheer awkwardness, I gave Fresno something else to look butt! I do want to mention these pants were not tight on me, so it's not like I split my pants!! If that was the case I'd probably in tears. What makes me want to cry is that these were my favorite maternity pants. They were comfy, and fit right. Oh, well...just thought I'd share some Sunday humor.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
The last few days
I sit at home with a box of Kleenex trying to fight the cold I seemed to bring home from Seattle. It's awful! For 8.5 months I have avoided getting sick in any way. Now, I can't seem to be away from the tissue box for more then a few minutes. Having a cold is so extreamly different when you are pregnant! Sleeping was already uncomfortable, but trying to find comfort with a stuffy nose, and a hacky cough is just strange. Everytime I cough I feel like my stomach is going to pop! Strange feeling!
Aside from the complainig, things are good! The room is somewhat organized. Well, it's almost there. It's really just finding a spot for everything and figuring out what else is a bring baby home necessity. His bag is packed, and mine is almost packed! I just have to finish up the ipod music, and a few other little things. We deffinately need to invest in some rechargable battaries for all the baby stuff! It's been fun getting everything ready. I can't wait to meet him!
Baby showers are all over...I'll post pictures soon! Thank you to everyone who was able to come! They were all amazing and fun!
Aside from the complainig, things are good! The room is somewhat organized. Well, it's almost there. It's really just finding a spot for everything and figuring out what else is a bring baby home necessity. His bag is packed, and mine is almost packed! I just have to finish up the ipod music, and a few other little things. We deffinately need to invest in some rechargable battaries for all the baby stuff! It's been fun getting everything ready. I can't wait to meet him!
Baby showers are all over...I'll post pictures soon! Thank you to everyone who was able to come! They were all amazing and fun!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
It's raining!
We've been in Seattle since Saturday afternoon! It has been wonderful! We've walked at least 3 or 4 miles each day, enjoyed the rain and cool weather, and have been able to relax and just have fun. We've enjoyed some of the torist spots like Pikes Market's a little crazy down there..they throw fish and have a bunch of vendors. We made a stop at the original starbucks. The whole coffee thing here is crazy! I joke about there being a starbucks on every corner at home, but here there really is.'s everyother corner. Starbucks and Seattles Best Coffee alternate corners. I can't believe they can all stay in buisness. Yes, I know that is what Seattle is known for, but really!!! We also did the underground city tour, walked to the space needle, and spent time just enjoying a different area. Tonight we are going on a dinner cruise.
As for the pregnancy update. A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with gestestional diabeties. It sucks, but I've been good at managing it with out meds. It's been difficult being on vacation..especially around a lot of bakeries..but it's been managable. Everything is fine with the baby, but we'll start doing stress tests at week 36. Just to make sure he's not getting too big, and he's doing well. Other then that everything is the same. Just getting ready for him!
As for the pregnancy update. A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with gestestional diabeties. It sucks, but I've been good at managing it with out meds. It's been difficult being on vacation..especially around a lot of bakeries..but it's been managable. Everything is fine with the baby, but we'll start doing stress tests at week 36. Just to make sure he's not getting too big, and he's doing well. Other then that everything is the same. Just getting ready for him!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Monday, August 04, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
San Diego
This weekend I drove to San Diego with one of my instructors of a Fit4Baby training. It was a good trip, but an adventure at that! Shawn and I left Friday at 9:45. We took the long way to the freeway (GPS isn't always the way to go) and began our journey. When we talked about driving down I realized we would be in areas that I'm not in often! The Tarzana Armenian Deli was calling my name. So, after a few wrong turns, and a lot of traffic we made it to the Deli to meet my good friend Ernesto for lunch! It was WEIRD! I have to say if there is anywhere that I have lived that I don't is the San Fernando Valley. In the 45 minutes we sat and ate lunch, we witnessed a prostitute being picked up, two cars almost colliding at a stop sign because one idiot felt it was appropriate to do a strange turn in front of the other car, but we did have a good sandwich! I don't know what makes the sandwich so good! It's simple; turkey, mayo, mozzarella, pepperchinis, avocado, tomato, all rolled up in flat bread. However, this is a sandwich I have not ever been able to duplicate! So, in all honesty it was worth the detour for me. Not to mention it was wonderful seeing a good friend.
So, we journeyed on to San Diego. Following the GPS of course, and sitting in traffic for a good hour and half or so we ended up on a toll highway! Neither one of us had cash on us, so we exit before we have to pay the toll on a mission to find an ATM. So, another detour. We find the ATM and journey back onto out toll road. I would like to mention it was $5.75 for this detour, and I really don't think it saved us an ounce of time!!
Finally at around 6:00pm we roll into oceanside. Find our hotel (with a few wrong turns) and get checked in. The driving wasn't too bad, hips didn't hurt too bad, but my feet were slowly swelling up. Never did I think I would be the owner of Kankles! After putting my feet up for awhile we ventured on down by the ocean. Parked in the parking structure next to the bus stop, there were police men walking around so I didn't feel unsafe, but it was dark. As we looked for a place to eat we passed bar after bar. It was hilarious! Let me mention Shawn is as cute as could be. So, the boys standing in front of the bars see us walking towards them. They see the little look up and down, look at me and turn away! I guess trying to get the pregnant lady into the bar didn't sound so appealing. IF that was all it took to get men to not bother you at bars, I would have bought a pregnancy suit a long time ago!!! So we ate dinner at this little cafe that closed at 9:30, and ventured back to the hotel.
5:30 am...we wake up. I turn the shower on, and it's yellow! The pipes were apparently rusty, or there was some funk in the water that I was clearly not touching! so, no showers for us! Our journey to the training began.
We spent the day at the training...nothing too adventurous happened there...until we were leaving and I discovered I couldn't find my wallet! We went back to the classroom, and it was found! It had fallen out of my bag with a t-shirt! However, it was almost a temporary heart attack! At 6:00 we were debating on making the turn to go to my grandpas for the night or venture back home. We decided to make the trip home. It was a long trip, but at 12:30 we pulled into the garage and had a great nights sleep!!! Now that is something that doesn't happen often.
So all in all it was a good trip. It will make the trip down south this weekend seem much shorter!
So, we journeyed on to San Diego. Following the GPS of course, and sitting in traffic for a good hour and half or so we ended up on a toll highway! Neither one of us had cash on us, so we exit before we have to pay the toll on a mission to find an ATM. So, another detour. We find the ATM and journey back onto out toll road. I would like to mention it was $5.75 for this detour, and I really don't think it saved us an ounce of time!!
Finally at around 6:00pm we roll into oceanside. Find our hotel (with a few wrong turns) and get checked in. The driving wasn't too bad, hips didn't hurt too bad, but my feet were slowly swelling up. Never did I think I would be the owner of Kankles! After putting my feet up for awhile we ventured on down by the ocean. Parked in the parking structure next to the bus stop, there were police men walking around so I didn't feel unsafe, but it was dark. As we looked for a place to eat we passed bar after bar. It was hilarious! Let me mention Shawn is as cute as could be. So, the boys standing in front of the bars see us walking towards them. They see the little look up and down, look at me and turn away! I guess trying to get the pregnant lady into the bar didn't sound so appealing. IF that was all it took to get men to not bother you at bars, I would have bought a pregnancy suit a long time ago!!! So we ate dinner at this little cafe that closed at 9:30, and ventured back to the hotel.
5:30 am...we wake up. I turn the shower on, and it's yellow! The pipes were apparently rusty, or there was some funk in the water that I was clearly not touching! so, no showers for us! Our journey to the training began.
We spent the day at the training...nothing too adventurous happened there...until we were leaving and I discovered I couldn't find my wallet! We went back to the classroom, and it was found! It had fallen out of my bag with a t-shirt! However, it was almost a temporary heart attack! At 6:00 we were debating on making the turn to go to my grandpas for the night or venture back home. We decided to make the trip home. It was a long trip, but at 12:30 we pulled into the garage and had a great nights sleep!!! Now that is something that doesn't happen often.
So all in all it was a good trip. It will make the trip down south this weekend seem much shorter!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
26 weeks, 14 to go!

Monday, July 07, 2008
Beat the Heat contest!
Jen Patrick, a friend of mine introduced me to a new natrual parenting blog! They have a contest to win the cloth diapers that we are using! So, if you're looking for a chance to win some cloth diapers follow the link!
Win a Bum Genius 3.0 Starter Kit from Nature's Child - Wholesome Goods for Mothers and Babies
Win a Bum Genius 3.0 Starter Kit from Nature's Child - Wholesome Goods for Mothers and Babies
Thursday, July 03, 2008
What I do!
Do I work? Yes. However, it doesn't really seem like work. I am in the process of figuring out what my role is going to be when I become "mom." Currently, I am buisness owner, personal trainer, & doula. Well almost doula. My company is called Movin' Mamas. Under this name I own a franchise called Stroller Strides. I LOVE WHAT I DO! Stroller Strides is a fitness program for moms and moms to be. Really anyone could be apart of it, but the conversations usually pertain to mommy hood, and kids are with moms when they are working out. We don't simply "walk" in the parks. We meet at a park, we do walking and jogging intervals. We use resistant bands to tone and firm, and in the end we work out our abs and core. It's an amazing program and I highly recomment all new moms look into something like this. Not just because I own a franchise here, but because there is a built in community. Transitioning into mommy hood is hard enough. Sleepless nights, wondering if your crying child is alright, finding a place for your spouse in the midst of it all. These are all issues that moms seem to be able to talk through with each other and realize they are not alone. They have advise and suggestions, so hopefully you leave everyday feeling good mentally and physically. Not being a mom yet, I've built friendships that will last a lifetime. These are the girls that encouraged me when we were trying, talked with me through the hard times, and have been great support durring the pregnancy! So, that is Stroller Strides. I teach these classes, but I am preparing to grow and let others teach while I get ready to be a mommy. That doesn't mean I'm not going to be working at all. I have build a personal training studio in the house. I have clients 5 days a week as early as 5:00 am. I will probably maintain this until it's time to have this lil guy. As for being a doula, I am working on my certification. I have one birth down, and two more to go. I will hopefully attend a birth in if I can get one more in July it would be perfect. I need 3 in order to send my packet into DONA. What is a doula? A doula in so many words is an assited labor coach. I could go on and on about this, but I'll leave that for another long winded post. My goal with this is to be able to one birth a month. I probably won't really do much with it until the baby is sleeping through the night, and I find someone I am comfortable calling on a whim to babysit. So, we'll see how it all plays out.
So aside from being a wife, decorator, cook, and being spoiled by my husband. I do's just more of a fun lifestyle then a job.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Week 22 & 23
I know I've been asking for it, but pregnancy isn't something I just love! The last two weeks I have learned a lot of about "being pregnant."
1) Jumping into a cold lake when you're hot..not such a good idea!
(We went to Santa Rosa Lake, and when I hit the water my legs curled into fetal position, and my stomach was so tight I could hardly breath! Apparently the baby doesn't like cold water much!)
2) Charley Horses or leg cramps aren't just resolved by calcium and potassium. Pointing your toes only makes them worse, and you're supposed to walk them out. How do you walk them out when they come on when you're sleeping! Obviously I'm awake at that point, but I can't just "hop out of bed!" I can hardly roll out of bed!
3) All of the books say that bloody noses are common. What they don't tell you is they can come on with out warning, and they may be fierce! I know carry a box of tissue in my car, and a few in my purse just in case.
4) I always thought pregnant women were really cute. I still do, I just don't think it's so cute on me! For those people who feel sexy when they are pregnant, I'd love to know the secret. This is NOT SEXY or "CUTE"
5) I believe full nights sleep is now something of the past. If it's not the throbbing in the hips, trying to stay comfortable, leg cramps, a numbing sensation though my arms, the need to use the restroom, late night hunger, it's the baby practicing his soccer kicks!
It would probably help if I'd take it easy, but I'm also nesting! There are things that just need to get done!
1) Jumping into a cold lake when you're hot..not such a good idea!
(We went to Santa Rosa Lake, and when I hit the water my legs curled into fetal position, and my stomach was so tight I could hardly breath! Apparently the baby doesn't like cold water much!)
2) Charley Horses or leg cramps aren't just resolved by calcium and potassium. Pointing your toes only makes them worse, and you're supposed to walk them out. How do you walk them out when they come on when you're sleeping! Obviously I'm awake at that point, but I can't just "hop out of bed!" I can hardly roll out of bed!
3) All of the books say that bloody noses are common. What they don't tell you is they can come on with out warning, and they may be fierce! I know carry a box of tissue in my car, and a few in my purse just in case.
4) I always thought pregnant women were really cute. I still do, I just don't think it's so cute on me! For those people who feel sexy when they are pregnant, I'd love to know the secret. This is NOT SEXY or "CUTE"
5) I believe full nights sleep is now something of the past. If it's not the throbbing in the hips, trying to stay comfortable, leg cramps, a numbing sensation though my arms, the need to use the restroom, late night hunger, it's the baby practicing his soccer kicks!
It would probably help if I'd take it easy, but I'm also nesting! There are things that just need to get done!
Monday, June 02, 2008
A Sneak Peak
When some of my best friends were pregnant I remember thinking they were crazy for the "have to get it done" panic. Well, I guess they weren't so crazy after all. Or now I just joined the crazy club! I've begun the base painting in the baby's room. there is still a lot to do, but I figured I'd give everyone a sneak peak.
Also I wanted to thank my mom and dad for purchasing the furniture for our lil guy! It is beautiful and we love it! I love the idea of the cribs converting to beds now. He'll use this dresser and bed for years!! So, I've been rearanging different rooms in the house, and making my chore list. I'll keep pictures updated!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Cloth Diapers
As some of my long time friends have mentioned, I've become quite "green." I've converted most of my cleaning products to organic & natural cleaning supplies, I buy a lot of organic fruits and veggies, and we recycle, and try to do things that are better for the enviornment. Cloth diapers are just another way to help the enviorment and our pocket book.
Why choose a cloth diaper? They are cheaper, better for the the baby, better for the environment, and why not give it a try!? At first mention of cloth, I've recieved a lot of strange looks, not to mention comments. However, cloth diapers have come a long way! Sure you can still get the typical "prefold" diapers, (like the ones you see people using as burp rags, or cleaning rags) fold them, pin them, and then cover them; or, you can venture off into modern day cloth and use AIO, (all in ones)pocket diapers, fitted diapers with covers, or bio degradable flushable diapers!
I won't be an "exclusive" cloth only diaper girl. When we travel and what not I'm not going to bring along diapers that I have to bring home. I did find a new diaper that is flushable and biodegradable that I would like to try! These are called gdiapers. They seem easy enough, and they won't sit in our land fills for 10 plus years!
Not only has the cloth diaper market changed but they've creates some great names for them such as Fuzzi Bunz, bum genius, swaddlebees, bummis kissaluvs, and thelist goes on and on.
Will it be harder? Maybe, but I also am fortunate enough to be able to be a work at home mom. My days will consist of taking care of my child, hanging out with my friends and moms with stroller strides, (which I highly encourage every new mom to look into!)and growing my Movin' Mamas buisness. I will mention that having a 100% supportive husband is what makes all of this possible! I am super lucky to have a husband who is encouraging, and involved! Thanks Clay! Just in case I haven't mentioned it in awhile (which I'm sure I have not) I love my life!
Why choose a cloth diaper? They are cheaper, better for the the baby, better for the environment, and why not give it a try!? At first mention of cloth, I've recieved a lot of strange looks, not to mention comments. However, cloth diapers have come a long way! Sure you can still get the typical "prefold" diapers, (like the ones you see people using as burp rags, or cleaning rags) fold them, pin them, and then cover them; or, you can venture off into modern day cloth and use AIO, (all in ones)pocket diapers, fitted diapers with covers, or bio degradable flushable diapers!
I won't be an "exclusive" cloth only diaper girl. When we travel and what not I'm not going to bring along diapers that I have to bring home. I did find a new diaper that is flushable and biodegradable that I would like to try! These are called gdiapers. They seem easy enough, and they won't sit in our land fills for 10 plus years!
Not only has the cloth diaper market changed but they've creates some great names for them such as Fuzzi Bunz, bum genius, swaddlebees, bummis kissaluvs, and thelist goes on and on.
Will it be harder? Maybe, but I also am fortunate enough to be able to be a work at home mom. My days will consist of taking care of my child, hanging out with my friends and moms with stroller strides, (which I highly encourage every new mom to look into!)and growing my Movin' Mamas buisness. I will mention that having a 100% supportive husband is what makes all of this possible! I am super lucky to have a husband who is encouraging, and involved! Thanks Clay! Just in case I haven't mentioned it in awhile (which I'm sure I have not) I love my life!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
One More week!
We'll know if we're having a boy or girl next Wednesday afternoon! At first I wasn't too anxious about finding out. I've been excited, but now that the ultrasound is schedled...I CAN'T WAIT!! I guess it will make the "it" factor go away, and make the idea of "it" being an actual baby more real. Not to mention there are people out there (and you all know who you are) insist on calling it a he or a she. Although, more seem to lean to the "she" side. So, we'll have to see! And soon, the name game will begin! That should be fun (wink)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Happy Mommies Day!

Precious Moments. I have since I was a little girl, and since I've been pregnant I've wanted one that would signify this stepping stone in my life. So, Clay did his research and found the perfect mommy-to-be Mother's Day gift!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Brain Shrinkage?
I think "pregnancy brain" has officially set in! Last night Clay came home to tell me about how a woman's brain shrinks by 20% when they are pregnant. (Not too sure on those numbers, but I'll have to do some research) As we were laughing about it I apparently started the dishwasher (which I had just emptied) and didn't realize it was running until about an hour later!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Our Lil Peanut!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Week 9

Here some info on what is going on with baby this week:
This week, your baby-to-be grows to between 20 and 28 millimeters from crown to rump, or about an inch. Weighing in at one gram, your baby is very active, although you can't feel its movements. He or she now has all the major organs, muscles and nerves. A Doppler may be able to identify the heartbeat. While testes and ovaries are formed, external genitalia appear sexless, which is why it is too early for an ultrasound to reveal gender. Eyelids are beginning to form and the trunk is straightening and elongating.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
ivillage @ 7 weeks

Your baby-to-be is the size of a small bean, measuring in at approximately 9 to 11 millimeters, crown to rump. Dark spots, mark the early formation of the eyes. Pits indicate the formation of nostrils and ears. Your baby's brain is developing rapidly, and limbs and facial characteristics are now forming. Your baby's heart now has a right and left chamber. An ultrasound may be able to detect heart motion. The esophagus and trachea are changing and differentiating into separate tubes, with lungs positioned on either side.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Since then...
I found out, and then waited until Clay came home. That was the longest 3 hours of my life. I couldn't talk to anyone. I tested again, just to make sure the first one wasn't wrong. (That would have been just my luck!) So he came home, read his card, and discovered he was going to be "Daddy." He was very excited. We were both excited.
I spent the weekend hosting a Doula workshop. It was strange being one of the "pregnant" women in the room. The workshop was amazing! The things I learned make me anxious to start being a doula! However, since I was busy with the workshop all weekend it helped take my mind off wanting to call eveyone and anyone.
I am feeling fine! Tomorrow will be 6 weeks. I'm guessing I will be due around mid- October. I don't go the Dr.s until March 11th, and the first ultra sound will be on March 19th. I'm starting to feel quezzy here and there, and I am extreamly tired. I am taking it easy. I've cancelled my second stroller stride class, so I will only be teaching one class a day now.
There is a part of it that seems very unreal, but I'm getting used to it!
I spent the weekend hosting a Doula workshop. It was strange being one of the "pregnant" women in the room. The workshop was amazing! The things I learned make me anxious to start being a doula! However, since I was busy with the workshop all weekend it helped take my mind off wanting to call eveyone and anyone.
I am feeling fine! Tomorrow will be 6 weeks. I'm guessing I will be due around mid- October. I don't go the Dr.s until March 11th, and the first ultra sound will be on March 19th. I'm starting to feel quezzy here and there, and I am extreamly tired. I am taking it easy. I've cancelled my second stroller stride class, so I will only be teaching one class a day now.
There is a part of it that seems very unreal, but I'm getting used to it!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
The News
I was stepping into the shower as I put the PT down where I would be able to see it. Why was this time any different? Not really sure. I have had some symptoms, but after 2 years if anything seemed strange then I had a "symptom." So, until today I ignored it. I saw the double pink lines! I wasn't sure how to feel. My stomach dropped, and I jumped around the house looking for the phone. I had to call Clay. Somehow I needed to convince him to come home early. NO answer.
In the shower I contined to think about the last two years. Who do you tell? How do you tell them? Really, it's only been an hour and if doesn't seem real at all! It is still really early. I'm not even late yet, so this could all really mean nothing in a few days. So, with the excitment comes the fear. Will this baby grow inside of me, or will it leave me before it gets a chance?
Even though I have complete and total mixed emotions right now, I must say this..I can not wait to share the news with Clay. Will it be real then? We're ready to be parents, but month after month it's just something we talk about. Today, we begin discussing everything. It's real. I can finally say, "I'm Pregnant!"
In the shower I contined to think about the last two years. Who do you tell? How do you tell them? Really, it's only been an hour and if doesn't seem real at all! It is still really early. I'm not even late yet, so this could all really mean nothing in a few days. So, with the excitment comes the fear. Will this baby grow inside of me, or will it leave me before it gets a chance?
Even though I have complete and total mixed emotions right now, I must say this..I can not wait to share the news with Clay. Will it be real then? We're ready to be parents, but month after month it's just something we talk about. Today, we begin discussing everything. It's real. I can finally say, "I'm Pregnant!"
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